Pecan Grove ( Pecan Grove and Senior Residence

February 28, 2025

February 2025

Filed under: Senior Residence — knewman @ 2:52 pm

February continued to be wet and cold, but not enough for more snow. We have had a very busy month anyway, with several big birthdays and some major changes happening.

First, our birthdays! Both Patty Maki and David Cleveland had birthdays on the third. Patty was out of town to celebrate so the girls went all out for David. Here he is with his guitar cake, and the cake again.

We did two birthday celebrations together for Mimi and Salena today. Abigail went all out again for them. Here they are with their tiramisu- macaroon cake.

Joyce was having a few bad days of weakness and confusion, which made the staff very concerned. They took her to the ER and found nothing out of the ordinary, but because of her being physically weak the doctor ordered some rehabilitation. During rehab she was given physical and occupational therapy everyday, but once she was given a cognitive assessment it was clear she could not return to us. We were able to move her to a memory care place in Willis Nursing and Rehab that we have used before. She took the news well and the move went smoothly. Several of the residents and staff have been to see her in the new place and she is doing well. Thankfully, the new place is only 15 minutes away, which makes for easier visits. She has the same great spirit, lights up when she sees us, is happy and laughing when we talk with her. Here she is with her dear friend Esther, again with Kathy, and again with her new room equipped with some reminders of home.

We have another new arrival: Doreen Beyer, from Iowa, is our 42nd resident! She has labored all over including: Iowa and the Caribbean, mainly in the French speaking islands! Here she is with Marie, Esther, and Emma in the entry way.

We had many visitors this month. Fred Adadjo came again bringing his wife, Julie, and son, Benjamin. They really enjoyed talking with Ronald and getting around to some of the others here. Here they are in the entry way.

Ken and Mary MacAdams came for a few days with Don and Becky Schroeder. Becky and Mary are sisters. They all came to see Elsie for awhile. Here they are visiting the residents at Park Manor, and again at the table.

Elise’s’ daughter and granddaughters Carol, Amelia, and Sara Aarestad came for visit. They take special interest in spending one on one time with Elsie and playing as many games as she can handle. Not to mention, they are a whizz at puzzles! It must run in the family! Here they are…

A few friends of Fern came by to meet the residents on their way to see her. Joy Jackman with grand daughter, Mariel, sister, Wendy Rudolph and Wendy’s daughter, Rebecca.

We decided to have a little hymn sing, with Doreen playing the piano (unfortunately Elton is no longer able). Here is everyone singing around the piano.

The boys have had enough of dealing with clogged drain pipes. This time they took out the backhoe! Here they are figuring out what to do when we finally get down to the pipe. Hopefully this won’t happen again!

The Texas workers staff have been on special meeting rounds this month, and they planned another workers meeting here. We really enjoy having them, and they really enjoy the time all together. Here are some pictures of the lunch afterward and the 2025 Texas Workers photo.

Even with all the rain and snow we still see some wildlife pictures.

Resident Journals

Emma Perez

Emma is doing great, she gets daily phone calls and correspondence from her many friends. Sadly, her brother in Chicago passed away this month so she spent the over a week up there. She was able to spend a few hours with him in the hospital before his passing, and attend his funeral. Here she is at special meeting being greeted by some dear friends, and again with Mary MacAdams. This young boy was pretending to be her cane!

Doreen Beyer

Doreen has fit in seamlessly, and really enjoys her new life here. She enjoys talking with Marie about anyone they would know together from their time in the islands. Here she is happily settling into her new room.

Esther Duncan

Esther does well as usual. Still keeps busy with correspondence and phone calls or emails. She is often wanting to go into town, especially to visit Joyce and the others. Here she is with Joyce being best of friends, and with Mary.

Gwen Farmer

Gwen stays the same, still corresponding with her friends in Korea as often as possible. She liked having the Uzzell girls here for a visit, and took them to her room to see some of her treasures.

Elsie Schroeder

As always, Elsie really perks up when she has company. This month she had two separate visits to enjoy. Don and Becky coming with Ken and Mary was a welcome change of pace. She really loves to play games, and hardly ever loses! Here she is at the puzzle with son, Don, and Dawn Overby.

Elton Cleveland

Elton has gone down a lot. He sleeps most of the day and then is sometimes up at night. When he does come out it is for meals, and very briefly. He did come to see what all the fuss was about when the workers were here. Here he is sitting at the piano with Jade Carolus, sunning outside with David, and again relaxing on the floor after a small fall.

Ronald Elliott

Ronald is slowing down quite a lot. Mostly, he deals with memory issues and incontinence. He has a vivid imagination sometimes, and the staff gets to go along on some of his mental journeys. He recently got prepared to have a baptism here in the pond. All we would like to know is, who is getting baptized?! Here he is celebrating David’s birthday.

Marie Mounce

Marie is her usual jovial self, and still cooks up a storm. She still struggles with her blood pressure and sometimes has to lay down because of dizziness. Here she is with some of the Uzzells who came for lunch.

Joyce Naber (Willis Nursing Home)

We have been able to visit Joyce several times already. She is always happy to see us, and seems to remember who we are. Shawn and Anita visited most recently and she knew their names. Here she is with Anita, and again with a few other visitors.

Fern Duncan, Gilbert Reese, Alice Oetken (Park Manor Nursing Home)

All of our away residents are doing quite well. Fern has even been talking when we go to visit! Gilbert still doesn’t say much, and now has Alice to watch over him and keep him company. Alice is always happy to receive visitors, but does worry about Gilbert a bit. Here they are happy to see Shawn and Anita, and Fern with her clean hat, then Doreen, Gilbert, Marie and Alice.

We have a sign over the coffee pot that gets updated regularly. Here’s the current sign:

Thanks again for your interest in us here!

Kenny and Ken

January 31, 2025

January 2025

Filed under: Pecan Grove,Senior Residence — knewman @ 1:24 pm

A lot happened early this month. Elton had a bad fall, hit his head, and we thought we would lose him. Karen was called and she headed here from Colombia. He was awake for most of a day, but very confused. After that he went to sleep and was unconscious for most of a day, breathing sporadically. Then, while we were eating lunch, he got up, came out, ate some lunch and played the piano! He’s still not doing as well as he did before the fall, but his mind is good and he gets out to most meals and meetings. We’re glad Karen can be here with Elton and David for a few weeks. She’s heading back to Colombia in early February.

Emma Perez joined us as our 41st resident since we started in 2009. Now we have 8 residents and 3 in the Park Manor nursing home. See the updated “residents at PG” link in the upper right corner for more details. Here is Emma with Aislynn Stanton and Anna Rutherford who brought her here.

Gilbert Reese turned 101 this year! The staff had him spiffed up and dressed like his old self. Here he is at the table with his cupcake, and some of the birthday attendees, and our lunch together afterward.

Kim Schneider, Kathy’s sister, came from Minneapolis for visit. She was actually invited by Katelyn, and the kids really enjoyed their time playing with her. Here she is with Joyce, and the whole family out together at the Houston Museum of Natural Science. It is always fun to learn!

Every month Mimi comes to cut the men’s hair. They always look forward to the attention and fresh grooming. Here are Ronald and Elton getting their recent haircuts.

Joyce had a visit from Wayne’s cousin, Lyle and Roberta Overby, from North Dakota. She spent time laboring in that state and was fondly remembering her time there. Here they are at the the table.

We have a monthly staff meeting to keep up with resident information and learn about specific topics. This time Salena did a little show-and-tell about falling to make sure we got the message, also Salena playing with some snow, and our very happy squash.

Kenny always appreciates any help he can get in the kitchen. This time Katelyn and Dylan gave a helping hand. Here are Katelyn and Kenny at the sink and Dylan cutting chicken. Can’t have chicken tortilla soup without the chicken!

Kent and Linda Opel came for a quick visit. Here they are with Karen.

Resident Journals

Ronald Elliott

Ronald continues to struggle with his voice. On his good days he can take part in meetings and studies. Other days he just passes the mic. Here he is with Wayne in front of the bookcase, and again reading the paper.

Emma Perez

We enjoy having Emma here. She works hard in the kitchen helping the staff. She really likes to wash dishes. Here she is with our visitor Lynn Sorensen, and with Anita.

Joyce Naber

Joyce had several visitors and did well reminiscing with them. Here she is with Anna again with Karen. She had a bad spell yesterday (the 30th). She was very weak in the morning. She spent much of the day in the hospital having tests (which showed nothing). During the course of the day she revived and is doing much better today.

Marie Mounce

Marie does well, she attends all of her brother’s gospel meetings that she can, no matter how far away they are. While making buckwheat bread the rising dough got away from her but it turned out great! Here she is with Ronald at the table, discussing current events with Elsie and Joyce, and with overflowing dough.

Elsie Schroeder

Elsie does well and is always glad to see her son Don and his wife Becky. They come often but cannot stay long. She says, “It’s nice to see them come but I hate to see them go.” Here they are chatting on her couch, and her with her morning coffee.

Elton Cleveland

Elton does what he can. He sleeps a lot more throughout the day but is up some at night. He still plays the piano when he feels able, mostly from memory. Having David and Karen here has been a great help. Here he is with Karen and David, again with Kimmy, and watching one of his favorite things: trains.

Esther Duncan

Esther does well, she enjoys a clear night sky and a large moon. When it gets really cold she likes to say, “I am going out for some FRESH air,” and then remarks how fresh it was when she returns. Here she is out for her walk.

Gwen Farmer

Gwen is doing great. She receives regular correspondence from her friends in Korea and New Mexico. She still does the puzzle with Joyce and Elsie and they enjoy changing them out for new ones often. Here she is after the Wednesday study with Anita and baby Evelynn Nordic.

Fern Duncan, Alice Oetken, Gilbert Reese at Park Manor, Conroe

Fern didn’t come out to be with us at Gilbert’s birthday party, but we still brought the party to her. Here she is smiling with Salena, who has been her most frequent visitor. Alice does well, she still likes to sit with Gilbert and chat. Gilbert seemed a little taken aback by Abigail reading him his mail, but always has a sweet spirit.

Nature at PG

January is always one of our coldest months. We had several days below freezing and actually had some snow! That doesn’t stop the wild life from flourishing, though. Here are some pictures of the snow, a beautiful winter’s night and our newest neighbors, a beaver and a red shoulder hawk!

We appreciate your continued interest in our residents. Please call the main line if you would like to chat with any of them.

December 31, 2024

December 2024

Filed under: Pecan Grove — knewman @ 11:50 pm

The cold wet weather in December prompted some new decorations from Abigail. Mr. Prickles has never looked so good!

If you have been following along, our roof has been in bad need of repair. We finally bit the bullet and decided to call in the professionals. Here they are getting started on our roof. So long leaking roof!

Trevor, Heather and Winston Chenault from Newry PA came for a brief visit. Here they are chatting in the living room.

This month only had one birthday, but it was a big one, Ronald turned 97! He joked that his birthday last year should have lasted a few more years. Here he is with his cake and his annual birthday present of fruit.

Amy and Rusty Willhoite from Redbud Canyon came to see us. They brought with them one of their newest residents: Reta Fuhrman. She was able to stay the week with us as they went on a family cruise. She really enjoyed her stay and finding out all the little connections she knows here. She had never been to Texas before! What a shame! Here she is with Vanessa Pfingsten and her three children Lindsey, Abigail, Barrett, and again with Amy and Rusty in front of the fire place.

Glenn and Shirley Spunaugle came to pick up Reta after their cruise. Here they are with most of our residents.

Kathy’s sister, Pat Johnson and aunt Jane Jacobson came for a Holiday visit. Here they are with the Furrows.

Elton’s granddaughter, Leah and Daron Griffin and two kids, Isla and Felix visited. Here they are with David and Elton.

We had several of our sister workers, Joyce Lawrence, Mona Reese and Aiyslann Stanton come for a few days at Christmas.

Resident Journals

Elton Cleveland

Elton does well, especially with the added help of Shawn, David, and Hospice. He plays the piano and continues to correspond with Karen over email. He still tries to get some time in the sun. Here he is with “Professor McGonagall” (the new name for kitty kitty now that she lives with Kenny and Salena)

Esther Duncan

Esther is doing well, she keeps up with her daily walk and correspondence. She looks after Joyce and keeps her occupied with different tasks. She took the time to make some orange marmalade.

Gwen Farmer

Gwen did some reminiscing this month. We got a free calendar from a local Chinese restaurant, and it triggered memories of her time in Korea. Here she is recalling a few good memories.

Elsie Schroeder

Elsie does well, as per her usual. She focuses most of her time on the puzzles, while enjoying any company that wants to join her. She just got new hearing aids and her hearing is much improved, especially in our meetings. Here she is playing scrabble at the table with a few of our guests.

Ronald Elliott

Ronald is growing more and more deaf. He is struggling to get his thoughts together when speaking with the staff. He still has good thoughts in meeting though. Ronald also received several visitors and phone calls for his birthday. Here he is with friends Jeff and Patricia Oliver, and again with his niece, Marva Kleine and her daughter and son in law Darcy and Scott Evers.

Marie Mounce

Marie still does well, despite her deteriorating sight. She made chocolate pies using up some of our older Christmas cookies. Here she is with Reta Fuhrman, and again with Mona.

Joyce Naber

Joyce requires more supervision these days. Thankfully, Esther is happy to keep an eye on her. She enjoyed the visits with Pat Johnson because they were co-workers in 1972-73. She said “every time I think of Pat, I giggle.” Here they are on the couch catching up on some giggling.

Fern, Gilbert and Alice

Fern is so tired these days we barely get time to talk before she nods off again. Gilbert does well, hardly changes at all. He seems to enjoy Alice’s company at meal times. Here he is with Marie and Joyce, and Fern in her bed.

As usual, we had a blast celebrating the coming New Year! Sue Dawson joined us and brought Fred Skalitzky. We had a meal, a hymn sing, some fireworks and then Fred had a story for the kids. Here are some photos of our get- together and celebration.

The PG Staff had a holiday dinner together. Here Salena and Abigail are preparing the desert, sticky toffee pudding!

Here is a staff picture taken at the dinner.

Thank you for all your continued interest in us here at Pecan Grove! We wish you all a wonderful New Year! From the staff and all your friends here.


November 30, 2024

November 2024

Filed under: Pecan Farming — knewman @ 6:39 pm

November is when Fall really sets in. We have had an extra wet November but it has stayed mild in temperature. This made for a great animal watching and nature admiring month. Here are some of the neighbors we have seen, with David being David as a bonus.

We received some very special visits this month including Joyce’s brother Galen and his wife Marilyn. They came for few days to be with Joyce and reminisce about their home in Minnesota. Here they are in front of the piano.

Betty Goss came for a few days to visit and see how this place works. She was very funny and livened the place up a bit. Here she is with Kathy by the bookcase.

Howard and Mary Ann Colson brought their good friends Dave and Lois Evans and their daughter-in-law Kaila. They came from Pennsylvania to visit Elton. Here they are in the entry way.

Jon Peterson brought a man from Brazil to visit, Caue Stoochi Somens. He knew several of the workers that Ronald had once been companions with. Marie also knew quite a few of the workers he mentioned. Here they are in the entry way.

Lyle Schober and Carl Hamilton came for a visit. Here they are with Elton.

Carl, Elton, Lyle

Our good friends, and life-long friends of Elton; Gerry and Margaret Gunderson came for a visit. Here they are with David and Elton in front of the piano

The Furrow twins (Maren and Maven) invited Elton to their school to talk about what it was like when he was young. 75 kids from 4th, 5th and 6th grades came to the school chapel to visit with Elton. Maren and Maven distributed a nickel to each student (explained later). Elton read 2 pages which David helped him prepare. It included the fact that there are only 2 men in Texas older than Elton’s 107 years. He told about walking to school several miles in the dark, his 2 years of piano lessons that were cut short by the depression (“Pop couldn’t afford to pay for the lessons”), described a trolley car, etc. He played a few songs on the piano, then asked for questions. One boy asked him what his favorite Bible verse was. He quoted Romans 8:28 (We know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them that are called according to His purpose).

Elton said that a distant relative (President Grover Cleveland) charged a nickel to shake his hand. So it would be a nickel to shake his OLD hand! The children lined up and very respectfully shook his hand, many asking him to sign his name in their Bible. He didn’t accept the nickels :).

We had 24 for Thanksgiving! The Furrow family, Sue Dawson and Sue George from the south Houston field, Clarence Mounce and Talus Murphy from this north Houston field, Wayne and Dawn Overby (who live here on the farm), all the staff and residents. We had oyster stew, Lamb, Ham… no turkey! Here are a few pictures:

Resident Journals

Marie Mounce

Marie really enjoyed this convention season. She was thankful for the opportunity to go to Effie this year because she was able to visit her sister Verena who had a stroke. Unfortunately, when she got home she picked up a bug that has been going around. She had mild symptoms, mostly tired and coughing. Here she is with on of her favorite dishes to make: shrimp scampi.

Elton Cleveland

After his birthday last month Elton has gone down some. We are thankful for his son, David, being here, he helps out a lot with getting him ready for the day and to bed at night. He recently had a fall where he scratched up his face. It looks red and irritated because David thinks he scratches it at night. He has been needing more care so he was put on hospice for some additional services. Here he is sharing a cupcake with Alice, and again at the piano.

Gwen Farmer

Gwen does well despite her wet macular degeneration. Fortunately, her eyes have not gotten so bad that she needs the eye shots like Joyce. Here she is with Eileen Weiss.

Esther Duncan

Esther was one of the ones to get the bug. She was coughing quite forcefully and you could hear it when she was breathing deeply. She recovered well and was even seen carrying chairs around afterward. Here she is with Alice and Elsie.

Elsie Schroeder

Elsie is doing about the same. She recently was given a new set of hearing aids to try. Eileen Weiss came for a visit and stayed for a week. Elsie thinks of her as a daughter so they really enjoyed some alone time and going out.

Ronald Elliot

Ronald struggles with his memory and it frustrates him. He comes to the staff to help him remember who he wants to call, or what he was doing. Sometimes even the staff doesn’t know! He still has some terrible back pain that doesn’t seem to be going away. The staff gives him pain patches for his back that help, but only temporarily.

Joyce Naber

Joyce is her usual self. She enjoyed having the visit with her brother Galen and seemed to remember when she was prompted. He talked about her horse and their old home in Minnesota as well as the friends they once knew. These did seem to spark memories and she was even clear on a few details here and there.

Alice Oetken, Fern Duncan and Gilbert Reese

Fern and Gilbert stay pretty much the same. Fern is even more tired these days, but does wake up and respond to a few questions. Gilbert doesn’t say much at all but is always content. Alice seems to have slowed mentally but has a great spirit about her when we come to visit. She also seems much more at home with her new living arrangement. Here is Fern smiling with Kathy and Gilbert and Alice in the dinning room.

October 31, 2024

October 2024

Filed under: Pecan Grove,Senior Residence — knewman @ 6:39 pm

October is our busiest month with conventions, birthdays, and visitors the month seems to fly by. Several of the residents were able to attend convention this year. Andrea Jensen came between conventions to visit her good friends, Dominique and Mimi. Here are a few photos.

We have four major birthdays this month, but first up was the biggest. Elton turned 107 years young this month! David was already here but his daughter Sarah and her family came to stay with us for a few days. Elton’s grand children Libby Wimmer (VA) and Matt Hutchison (WA) came as well with his family. Matt and David wasted no time holding our first Pecan Grove arm wrestling match. Here they are talking with Karen on David’s phone, and agai at the arena A.K.A the piano bench.

Salena thought it would be fun for the kids to have a campfire day. All of Elton’s family were present to try their hands at sparklers, making s’mores and playing cornhole.

Abigail turned 26 this month, here she is with her cat themed birthday. Cats galore, she was also very pleased with her Sonic balloon. She does so many nice cakes for the residents that we feel she deserved a good one.

Elsie turned 96 this month! She always loves to see her family, and what better time for a visit than a birthday? The day before her birthday they took her to a book store and out to eat. Even though she doesn’t ask, she really enjoys going out to do just about anything with family. Her birthday theme was hummingbirds this year. Here she is being flanked by her flowers and gifts.

Anita had a fall themed birthday this year. Here she is with Shawn and her cake.

Alice still has a room full of things to go through, which her niece so kindly offered to start on. Carol along with her husband Mike Martin came for a few days to take on this project and to see Alice. Here they are posing in front of the fireplace.

Resident Journals

Marie Mounce

Marie went to three conventions this month. She went with Patty and Ronald to Georgetown Spanish and English, and then with Ken and Kathy to Effie. After Effie Marie is spending a few days with her sister, Varena McFadden, who is recovering from a stroke. Marie should be back to PG next week.

Ronald Elliott

Ronald was looking forward to going to both Georgetown Spanish and English. Unfortunately, he overestimated just how much he could handle the extra stimulation of visiting with so many people. He made it through the part of the Spanish convention but then needed to come home. He was not up for returning for the English convention, but instead rested and went to Mountain Peak. Kenion Coleman came to see him with our friend Max Montenegro from south Houston. Here he is with them in front of the piano, and again Ronald in our children’s play area reliving his younger years.

Elton Cleveland

Elton had a whirlwind couple of weeks. His family kept him going with stories and chatting, but he still got his much needed rest. Here he is with the Furrows, writing his daily letter to Karen and eating some pie outside and with his family.

Gwen Farmer

Gwen does well, and enjoys being part of the puzzle crew with Elsie. She enjoyed listening to the conventions over the loud speaker here. She said “even if I only get one sentence it is a bread basket”.

Joyce Naber

Joyce has had some discomfort on her scalp. The staff is regularly applying ointment to help sooth the red areas. She does not complain and takes it all in stride. She also had the shots done in both of her eyes for wet macular degeneration. Like usual, she needs her routine to keep in good spirits. Alas, she is needing more and more reassurance as to what day it is, or what she should be doing.

Elsie Schroeder

Elsie does great for 96. She really thrives on her family coming to visit. Here she is admiring her humming bird cake.

Esther Duncan

Esther has had a wonderful month. She got to both Georgetown English and Mountain Peak. Esther has had several conventions already this year in Ireland, Kentucky and Tennessee, but she says “I am still hungry for more”.

Fern Duncan and Gilbert Reese

Fern recognizes us when we come to visit. This month Kenion Coleman paid her a visit and she knew him. Gilbert is mostly quiet, but still appreciates visitors. He often can be found sitting with Alice at his table. She does most of the talking.

Alice Oetken

Alice has high spirits when we come to visit her. She loves chatting with visitors, and often asks about the residents. She also asks when her parents are coming to get her, so somethings are a little missing. Here she is with Gilbert at his table.

We are thankful for your continued interest in our residents here.

Kenny and Ken

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